The Original Duvall Blog
A blog about all things Duvall - giraffes, schools, traffic, history, local interest stories, and life along the river

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The Latest from Our Blog
Duvall Days – The Days of Duvall
Duvall Days Every year. First weekend in June. Duvall has its day…s. Duvall Days is next weekend! Our city celebrates its awesomeness. So, if you plan to miss it, be warned. You will live a life filled with regret and die alone. Some years Duvall Days blows our...
What’s the Deal with the Thayer Barn?
Save the Clock Tower I’ll come clean here and tell you I have not paid much attention to what’s been going on with the Thayer Barn. I know where it is. I’ve seen the beautiful art around town. I know Duvall loves the Thayer Barn and citizens have donated a ton of...
March of the Vegetables
I had to go. How could I not? You had me at “people dressed up as vegetables.” You had me. At. “People dressed up as vegetables.” If you ask anyone who knows me well, they will tell you that my single favorite exhibitor in any valley parade for the last ten years was...
Riverview School District Boundary Changes
I have a child at Cherry Valley Elementary and I live close-ish to one of the rumored boundary changes so I went to the meeting tonight, a forum to discuss redoing the elementary school boundaries. Citizens of Duvall, rest at ease. The boundary changes only affect 2...
Glossary of Duvall Terms
Today I tackle a Glossary of Duvall Terms. If you’re new to Duvall, you’re bound to hear terms or phrases thrown around that make little or no sense to you. “Traffic was so bad, they had to use the pickle” “What about the giraffes?” “I think the event is in the old...
Duvall Giraffes
Newcomers to Duvall frequently ask, “What’s the deal with the giraffes?” They are everywhere. On Facebook. In conversation. At the Christmas celebration. On bumper stickers. On T-shirts. Giraffes are a Thing in the City of Duvall. Should they be a Thing? It’s...
A Hawaiian Vacation in Duvall
I was at a basketball game in Bothell last weekend when an old college roommate called me out of the blue. She and a friend were headed from Salt Lake City to Hawaii with standby tickets for the long weekend. But they’d gotten stuck in Seattle and couldn’t get a...
Big Rock Park – The Smallest King County Park in Washington State
I’ve heard all kinds of things about the tiny park next to Safeway as you enter Duvall. We moved here in 2006, when Safeway was already a thing and Big Rock Road was no longer the site of a noticeably large rock. The road’s name, at that time, was a mystery to me....
Our Artsy Little Town
We live in a gorgeous place of gorgeousness. I was having trouble finding the rest of these on King5.com. Thanks to Sue Linnerooth for uploading them to YouTube.
Duvall Tree Lighting 2016
The Duvall Christmas Tree done been lit. And then it was unlit. And then lit again. But wait, no. Not so much. Unlit. This happened several times and then people headed back to their cars in good spirits, confident that Public Works would get to the bottom of the...

"I will give her peace that will flow to her like a river."
~Isaiah 66:12

26400 NE Valley St, Unit #714
Duvall, WA 98019